Next events
Release on digital platforms
Olivier Lattion’s two albums A Silent Wood (2018) et Le Silence de Cristal (2021), are now available on all streaming and download platforms such as Apple Music, Spotify, Qobuz, …
You can also get them in physical form by ordering them via the shop
Past events
First performance of “APOSTROPHES”, work for soprano saxophone and piano
Bulle | Aula du CO de Bulle, rue de la Léchère 40, Bulle | Saturday 11th February 2023, 19h30
Duo Vulcain : Simon Engel, saxophone, Daphné Widmer Fragnière, piano.
Other dates of the NECTAR tour : 12.02 (16h30, Aula Blatten, Männedorf), 03.03 (19h30, Salle de Paroisse Sainte Claire, Vevey), 04.03 (19h30, Centre le Phénix, Fribourg), 10.03 (19h30, Maison de la Musique, Martigny), 11.11 (Alte Schulhaus, Einsiedeln).
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